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I have breast cancer and am a snappy dancer

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

Okay - much better digested information now. Just wasn't quite prepared to hear my breast cancer had spread. Just to be clear, this is still breast cancer that has spread forming small tumors on my liver, three vertebrae in my spine and my femur. I do not have liver or bone cancer - thank the Lord.

We are not even considering surgery at this point since this has metastasised - doesn't really make sense until we see what treatment does. My Oncologist has recommended a clinical trial drug - which I have agreed to start immediately. She feels this is the best for my cancer and believes we can shrink this crap or eliminate it completely and get me into remission. Unfortunately, I will need to be on therapy for the rest of my life now, we will always be watchful of this and need to constantly be checking. Chemo will last for 6-12 months - I will have it once a week for 3 weeks then a week off - I will be tested every 8 weeks to see how the cancer is reacting to the treatment. Since this is a clinical trial - I need a shitload of tests before I can start - I need a MRI, bone scan, CT scan of my brain, echo cardiogram & ekg. I'm actually scheduled for 3 of these in one day on Monday - and awaiting the scheduling of the other 2. I also have elected to have a port put in. The nurse today showed me how it works, and since I'm receiving treatment once a week for quite awhile, I think it's the smartest way to do things. I was against it at first, but now understand its benefit. I am also receiving a monthly medication to return the calcium to my bones - I received that today actually. I feel ok tonight, a little tired, but I think I'm always tired lately. What an emotional roller coaster.

So this morning when I dropped off Madeline at school, I met my friend Jennifer at the church. She has been such a dear friend to me, such a rock to my weakness. Much to my surprise, she had arranged a small prayer circle for me - which I have to say was one of the most powerful things I have felt. I was able to let a lot more emotion out, my fear, my thoughts - maybe because it was all women? I'm not sure, I just felt so safe enough to do so. And they loved me, hugged me, cried with me - then prayed over me. Much like when I was first diagnosed, last night my mind went to that dark place again - the place where I think I'm going to die tomorrow, never see my girls grow up, never see them get married, never grow old with my husband. I don't want to wake up in the morning, or get out of bed. These ladies explained to me that they would be my faith and hope when I couldn't have it for myself. I never thought of people in this manner before. It made me breathe a sigh of relief - I know everyone told me I was not alone in this, but for the first time this morning, I felt like I really wasn't. They gave me the tools to use when my mind goes to this dark place again. I was so uplifted.

I know I can beat this - I have to - I know nothing else. I'm continuing to build my trust and hope, this will be an on going process. But I know from the out pour of good wishes and thoughts and prayers and kind words - we can all do this together. Thank you all - I cannot even begin to thank you all for everything you have written to me, it has been so inspirational and so helpful, you will never know. I read everything, I may not respond back to everything, as just updating this blog is emotionally draining enough, but I read everything. Please don't be put off by me not responding directly to each of your emails - I will try, but this journey is not leaving me a lot of 'extra' time either. Know I love and appreciate you all, very much. Ok, enough of the mutual admiration society - let's get this party started, eh?


  1. Your strenght and determination will prevail. You will beat this! Just know you are not in it alone. You have people that are praying for you.

  2. Dina- YOU WILL BEAT THIS!!!!!!!!!!! Brian and I will be there for you and P.J. and the girls. The book by Wayne Jacobson "He Loves Me" I was told is great!!! I LOVE you Dina- Amy Cashatt

  3. God is in control, He has the final say, not the Doctors, they are just tools. God will use them to get His job done..... Jennifer D.

  4. This is where Faith and believing really become distinct. For years, I believed and it wasn't until now that FAITH really had made itself clearer. With prayer and FAITH, this C thingy crap is going to be beaten down and be gone forever. (Gabby is more than willing to share her liver with you. She wants you to know that.) PRAYER and FAITH and LOVE are going to get it DONE!!!!! I went to that dark space with you and cried. Gabby, in her own weird wisdom made the firm statement, “Dina is going to be ok.” She spoke abut people who have surmounted enormous odds to win and win big. There is a website called Life without Limbs that is where I found what FEAR is and is not. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. The cancer is real but this dark place you described is this FEAR. Does that make sense? Know that with every fiber of our being, Dina, you are loved. And PJ, with every fiber of MY being, know that you are loved. God Bless you both and your babies. Anything we can do to help, we are going to do.

  5. Dina- I am so proud of you....your faith is shining through. God will use you and your healing to show the world. Please know that we are all here for you and are holding you and your family up in prayer. I love you Dina and God loves you dear one....stay the course, keep the faith, all is in His mighty, powerful and loving hands.....Jessica

  6. Dear Dina - When I started reading your blog, I was pleased to discover a fellow former New Yorker, especially one with wit! I've been through 2 dx of breast cancer myself (once 5 years ago at age 35 and one currently, now in recon "fill" stage). I am nothing short of furious to learn that you have to deal with even more. My prayers will be hearty and frequent for your return to full health. Please feel free to contact me if you ever need ANYTHING, even just an ear. Warmly, Kate Howell (at AELC)
