I'm going to have to keep this a bit short tonight - due to the title above. See, I have to take 5 steriod pills the evening before treatement to help counteract the reaction, which keeps me awake - so I get to take Tylenol PM to help me sleep, and it works. Yea! They offered me heavier stuff, which is fun sometimes, but it really just ends up making you horribly constipated - and this is, well, that is just poopy. (actually not really) It's just not very much fun.
Good day today - kinda boring, kida felt blah today. Then realized I was starting my period, which I was told I probably wouldn't have due to treatment, but much to my surprise, this proved to be incorrect. At least for this month.
I went and worked out this evening too - something I haven't done in a long time. It felt good to sweat and focus on being healthy for a while. Nice. I think these gym times for me will be very personal, focused on healing times for me. I'm very excited to keep moving forward into a rountine - it was nice.
I made apply butter croissants for my nursing staff tomorrow. Oh - and cheese criossants too. I hope they like them. PJ and I sampled both and they tasted de-lish. So it will be nice to give them some appreciation for taking such good care of me.
I'm getting really sleepy - so before I start slurring my words, I'm going to bed. Thanks to Judy for the awesome U2 cd she made for me - it will make our ride out to Sedona awesome. Night Night -
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